Helen Randall
pilates instructor, massage therapist
covering Oxted, Sevenoaks, Westerham
surroundings in Kent, Surrey and Sussex.

Pilates - Group Matwork Classes Matwork classes are a fun and effective way of exercising the Body Control Pilates way, especially for those who enjoy the social interaction as they learn. The classes run on a term basis and are grouped according to your ability to ensure that you get the safest, most effective workout relevant to you.

Matwork classes are limited to 12 participants to ensure that you receive close supervision and support. A term usually consists of either 6 or 7 weeks and each class runs for 60 minutes.

Small equipment is often used in the classes, i.e. toning circles, weights, pilates gym balls and foam rollers, all designed to give you a more challenging workout helping you to develop stability, strength and endurance.

Timetable - All classes are paid for in 6 or 7 week blocks
DayTimeClass TypeDurationCost
Monday 9.15am Improvers 60 minutes £12 per class
Tuesday 9.15am Beginners 60 minutes £12 per class
Tuesday 10.45am Improvers60 minutes £12 per class
Thursday 9.15am Intermediate 60 minutes £12 per class
Thursday 10.45am Advanced 60 minutes £12 per class
Thursday 6.00pm Improvers60 minutes £12 per class

All classes are paid for at the beginning of the course for the duration of the entire term, i.e. 7 weeks.

No discount or refund can be given for classes missed. However, you are always welcome to make up for the missed class on the other days, providing that there are spaces available. This is operated on a first come, first serve basis.

Helen Randall

If you would like to join a class or book an appointment, please contact Helen

Ingledale Natural Health Clinic: 01883 717277, 9am-5pm,    Mobile: 07739 724113, 9am-5:30pm
© 2010 Helen Randall web site design : Sarah Medway